Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


Version 3 – September 2024


The Client accepts the following terms and conditions by means of making use of the services of Ina Divina.



In these general terms and conditions the following terms have the following meanings:

Terms and Conditions: These general terms and conditions Ina Divina.

Ina Divina: The Solo proprietorship Ina Divina registered in the Chamber of Commerce under number 76156346 and/or its successors in title.

Escort/Divina: The persons engaged by Ina Divina with a minimum age of 21 years, who execute a Booking of the Client out of their own free will. These persons are always represented by Ina Divina.

Client: Legal entities as well as natural persons with a minimum age of 18 years who wish to conclude or have concluded a booking agreement with Ina Divina.

Assignment: Every request from a (future) Client to Ina Divina, made via the Website, by email, telephone, text message, WhatsApp or any other means of communication, in which the Client has the intention to make use of Ina Divina’s provision of service.

Booking: The agreement for assignment, provision of service, and all other agreements between the Client and Ina Divina.

Booking Confirmation: Confirmation by Ina Divina to the Client in which the agreements with regard to a Booking between the Client and Ina Divina are recorded.

International Booking: Every Booking that is executed outside The Netherlands.

Additional Services: Services provided by Ina Divina which do not refer to the company of Escort, but for example (special) transportation, travel itinerary, travel documents, special clothing, catering and/or stay, etc.

Website: Ina Divina’s website, known as www.inadivina.com.

Opening hours: The opening hours of Ina Divina are daily between 12.00 PM (twelve o clock in the afternoon) and 10.00 PM (ten o clock in the evening), unless otherwise indicated on the Website.


Article 1. Applicability

1.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to all offers issued or made by Ina Divina, as well as to all Bookings and legal relationships related thereto. Derogations from these Terms and Conditions will exclusively apply if and insofar as these are expressly approved in writing by Ina Divina.

1.2 The Client will be deemed to agree to the exclusive applicability of these Terms and Conditions at the time of the coming into effect of each Booking, unless Client and Ina Divina have expressly agreed otherwise in writing.

1.3 Ina Divina will always be entitled to adjust the text of these Terms and Conditions and to unilaterally amend this. In that case the new text of these Terms and Conditions will apply.

1.4 The applicability of any terms and conditions which the Client might use is expressly excluded.

1.5 The Client who has already concluded a Booking with Ina Divina will be deemed to tacitly agree to the applicability of these Terms and Conditions to later and/or additional Bookings of and/or services to the Client concerned.

1.6 If one or more of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions are void or might be declared void, the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will remain fully applicable. In that case Ina Divina and the Client will enter into consultation in order to agree on new provisions for the replacement of the void or voided provisions, whereby the purpose and meaning of the void or voided provision will be taken into account as far as possible.


Article 2. Enactment of the Booking

2.1 All offers and tenders made by Ina Divina are without obligation, unless otherwise set out in the offer or tender.

2.2 A Booking will only come into effect at the time when Ina Divina has expressly accepted the Order or Assignment. The Booking Confirmation from Ina Divina will be deemed to correctly and completely represent the Booking.

2.3 The Booking will be instead of and will replace all earlier proposals, correspondence, arrangements, or other communication, made in writing or as the case may be verbally.

2.4 Ina Divina, its directors and its staff reserve the right to refuse any Assignment at any time without notice or provocation, for whatever reason seems fit.


Article 3. Legality and registration and reachability

3.1 Ina Divina is a fully legal, licensed and registered escortservice.

  • Ina Divina is registered at the Chamber of Commerce in Rotterdam under number 76156346.
  • Ina Divina holds a permit for exploiting an escortservice. This permit has number vs.A.0413671.2020
  • All services provided by Ina Divina are subject to 21 % VAT. The VAT number of Ina Divina is NL.003051185B11.
  • For discretion reasons, a general consultancy name will be listed for all electronic payments. This name is a registered tradename of Ina Divina.

3.2 Ina Divina is based and registered in Rotterdam on the Weena 690. It is in no circumstances possible to visit Ina Divina at this address.

3.3 Ina Divina can be reached in writing on the following correspondence address: Weena 690, 3012CN Rotterdam. The response time for this method of contact is 14 days.

3.4 Ina Divina can be reached via email on the following email address: info@inadivina.com. During our opening hours, the response time for this method of contact is 6 hours.

3.5 Ina Divina can be reached by telephone during our opening hours on numbers +31850043777 or +31621210357.

  • Missed calls during opening hours are always returned, unless a voicemail message has been left specifically stating you don’t want to be called back.
  • Voicemail messages are only answered when specifically requested and if the message clearly includes a name and telephone number.
  • Contact via SMS and WhatsApp on +31621210357 is only possible when the name of the sender is included.


Article 4. Payments

4.1 All payments must be made prior to the Booking or no later than immediately at the commencement of the Booking.

4.2 Client will inform Ina Divina of the method of payment prior to the Booking.

4.3 The availability of all payment options is not guaranteed and subject to availability. Ina Divina can limit the payment options for a Client and/or require a prepayment before the Booking, without providing a reason.

4.4 For discretion reasons, a general consultancy name will be listed for all electronic payments. This name is a registered trade name of Ina Divina.

4.5 Client can receive an invoice for the total amount. The following applies:

  • The invoice will be provided within 14 days of the Booking via email and in the form of a PDF.
  • The contents of the invoice are discreet but always truthful and in accordance with laws and regulations.
  • Client is aware of the fact the services provided by Ina Divina are of a personal nature and are therefore almost never tax deductible to the Client.
  • Any request to mislead, commit fraud, forgery or any complicity or cooperation to do so is seen as provocation, which will be reported to authorities.
  • If a Client uses the invoice of Ina Divina to mislead, commit fraud, forgery or any other any other violation of the law, the Client will be held liable for any direct and indirect damages to Ina Divina.

4.6 Ina Divina accepts cash payment in Euros, American dollars or British pounds. When paying with Euros, 500 Euro notes are not accepted. When paying with American dollars or British pounds, the payment is based on the exchange rate applicable on the day of the payment, plus any additional bank- and exchange charges and rounded up to twenty-five tiers. The value of the foreign currency that the Client wishes to use may not be less than 100 Euros and no more than 2000 Euros. The Escort does not carry any change.

4.7 Ina Divina accepts payments with a Mastercard or Visa debitcard or creditcard at a 10% surcharge of the total amount, under the following conditions:

  • Client accepts the 10% surcharge and und understands this surcharge is to compensate for costs involved with providing the means to make a creditcard payment possible, for example by providing a portable ATM machine during the Booking.
  • If the Booking is the first Booking of Client at Ina Divina, the Escort must be in the possession of her own portable ATM machine.
  • Client can show proof of identification during the Booking with a valid ID.
  • The card is in the name of the Client and provided with a signature.
  • Client is not under the influence of large amounts of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • If requested, the Client will cooperate with completing an additional creditcard authorisationform.
  • In the event of a technical malfunction of the available portable pin machine, the Escort will spend up to 30 minutes requesting assistance, which is not part of the bookingduration. If the technical malfunction can not be resolved, Client will cooperate to the fullest to find an alternative method of payment, for example by but not limited to withdrawing cash from a nearby ATM. Any costs and time involved are not charged to the Client.

4.8 Ina Divina accepts payments with Dutch debitcards and foreign debitcards with a Maestro logo. A 5% surcharge applies to foreign debit cards. The following conditions apply:

  • Client accepts the 5% surcharge and und understands this surcharge is to compensate for costs involved with providing the means to make a foreign debit card payment possible, for example by providing a portable ATM machine during the Booking.
  • Escort is in the possession of her own portable ATM machine.
  • The card is secured by a pincode.
  • The card is in the name of the Client and provided with a signature.
  • In the event of a technical malfunction of the available portable pin machine, the Escort will spend up to 30 minutes requesting assistance, which is not part of the bookingduration. If the technical malfunction can not be resolved, Client will cooperate to the fullest to find an alternative method of payment, for example by but not limited to withdrawing cash from a nearby ATM. Any costs and time involved are not at the Client’s expense.

4.9 Ina Divina accepts payments via payment request via our bank if Client has a bank account at a Dutch bank. This requires internet access and an emailaddress.

4.10 Ina Divina accepts payments via bank transfer. If the Booking takes place in The Netherlands, the payment must have been received by Ina Divina 24 hours prior to the Booking. In case of an International Booking, the payment must be received by Ina Divina prior to booking any travel itinerary for the Escort. Bank costs are at the expense of the Client.

4.11 There is no right to restitution to any amount paid. After settling any costs or outstanding amounts, the remaining amount will be used towards a following Booking. If no Booking with the Client takes place within 24 months, the remaining amount will be lost.

4.12 There are exceptions during which there is a right to refund, provided the restitution is requested at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the Booking, the Booking is not an International Booking an no Additional Services are provided during the Booking. These exceptions are as following:

  • When a Booking is cancelled by Ina Divina.
  • Client can proof he is under the age of 21.
  • Client can proof he is not legally competent and/or authorized.
  • Client will inform Ina Divina within 24 hours of the Bookingconfirmation to regret his purchase and wishes to renounce the purchase.
  • Client is deceased and/or can proof through a doctor’s certificate Client is physically and/or mentally unable to have a Booking within 24 months.

4.13 In the event of exceeding the periods referred to under article 4, the Client will be in default by operation of law, without further demand or notice of default being required for this purpose. Client will owe statutory interest of 3% per month or part of a month over the total outstanding amount. If Ina Divina decides to outsource a claim for collection, the Client is also required to pay all collection costs.

4.14 If Ina Divina is successful in judicial proceedings, all costs incurred by Ina Divina related to these proceedings will be at the Client’s expense.

4.15 In all cases Ina Divina will (also) have the right to claim specific performance and/or compensation (or damage) in addition to the rights referred to (inter alia) in this article.


Article 5. Rates

5.1 All services offered by Ina Divina are subject to 21 % VAT. Unless otherwise indicated, all rates listed on the Website are in Euro’s and including 21 % VAT.

5.2 Travelexpenses up to 25 km are included in the rate, unless otherwise agreed. If the travel distance is 26 to 50 km, a surcharge of Euro 50 applies. If the travel distance is 51 to 75 km, a surcharge of Euro 60 applies. If the travel distance is 76 to 100 km, a surcharge of Euro 70 applies. If the travel distance is 101 to 125 km, a surcharge of Euro 90 applies. If the travel distance is 126 to 150 km, a surcharge of Euro 110 applies. If the travel distance is 151 to 175 km, a surcharge of Euro 130 applies. If the travel distance is 176 to 200 km, a surcharge of Euro 150 applies. If the travel distance is 201 km or more, the surcharge is decided per Booking.

5.3 The rates page on the website shows an overview of the rate per maximum duration and per bookingtype. The following applies:

  • If a Client wishes to terminate the booking before the in Bookingconfirmation agreed bookingduration, there is no refund.
  • If a Client wishes to extend the duration of the Booking, the ‘Infinite Joy’ rate always applies. The availability of extension of the bookingduration is not guaranteed.
  • If the previously agreed Booking duration is exceeded with more than 15 minutes, this extension is subject to the ‘Infinite Joy’ rate, unless Client informs Escort the previously agreed Booking duration was being or was about to be exceeded and Client does not wish to extend the booking.

5.4 If Clients selects the bookingtype companionship only, the Booking must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the companionship only rate:

  • The total bookingduration is 3 hours or more.
  • The Booking does not include any form of eroticism and/or physical contact between Client and Escort.
  • The Escort remains fully dressed during the entire Booking.
  • In the event of an overnight stay during a companionship only booking, Client and Escort will spend the night in separate bedrooms.

If during the Booking the Client does not meet the conditions listed above but does not want to change the booking type and corresponding rate to a private date rate, Escort will provide three warnings to the Client. After that the Booking is immediately terminated without the right to a refund.

5.5 All Additional Services are subject to 21 % VAT. Unless otherwise agreed, all costs for Additional Services must be fully prepaid and have no right to refund.

5.6 No rights can be derived from discounts. Discounts as set out on the Website will only apply if agreed in advance with Ina Divina and confirmed in the Bookingconfirmation.


Article 6. Client requirements

6.1 Client will handle all communication surrounding Assignment and/or Booking himself. It is not permitted to place an Assignment for a Booking for third parties.

6.2 Client needs to be at least 21 years old. In case of doubt about the age of the Client during the Booking, the Client will provide a valid ID to the Escort.

6.3 Client must refrain from possession and/or, the use of and/or being under the influence of large amounts of alcohol and/or (soft) drugs. The Client must refrain from demanding and/or encouraging the Escort to consume alcoholic beverages and/or use (soft) drugs.

6.4 Client will ensure that at the commencement of, end of and during the Booking the Escort is accessible for Ina Divina and private calamities and has regular internet access.

6.5 Client will treat the Escort with respect during the Booking and never force the Escort to perform acts that are in conflict with the Escort’s will or may otherwise be in conflict with the law.

6.6 Client will refrain from requesting or demanding sexual acts during the first 30 minutes of the Booking, and make an effort to get to know the Escort on a mental level.

6.7 Client will not ask for, demand or encourage unsafe sex, such as uncovered oral, vaginal and/or anal sex with the Escort.

6.8 Client undertakes to maintain a high level of personal hygiene during the Booking and pay extra attention to the pubic and dental area.

6.9 Client will respect the privacy of the Escort and will amongst others things:

  • Client will consider all information provided by Escort during the Booking as confidential and treat it as such.
  • Client is never permitted to make any audio, video or photo recordings of Escort.
  • Client is never permitted to ask the Escort for her real name or undertake any attempt to obtain it.
  • Client is never permitted to make direct contact with an Escort, to exchange contact details, or to disclose these to the Escort.
  • Client is never permitted to inspect the private properties (and contents of these) of Escort, such as her (hand)bag, (hand)luggage and mobile phone. Client will not inspect, copy or make these his own in any way.
  • Client shall only take Escort to social occasions after explicit permission from and thorough consultation with Ina Divina and Escort.
  • Client will allow Escort privacy during toilet- and bathroom use and telephone conversations of a personal nature and/or with Ina Divina, and stay clear of the immediate vicinity of Escort during these.
  • Client is never permitted to provide any details which may infringe on the privacy of Escort in any way in (public) reviews.

6.10 During a Booking, client will provide Escort with a meal every 6 hours, with a minimum of three meals per 24 hours at the Client’s expense.

6.11 During a Booking with a duration of 9 to 24 hours, which takes place during common sleeping hours, Client will offer Escort at least 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

6.12 During a Booking with a duration of 24 hours or longer, Client will offer Escort at least 2 hours of private time and at least 6 hours uninterrupted sleep per 24 hours.

6.13 Client must always refrain from (any attempt to) misleading, harassment and/or other acts or omission which endanger the safety of Ina Divina and/or the Escorts engaged by it.

6.14 If a Client fails to meet any requirement as stated in Article 6, he is offered a one time opportunity to make sure the requirement(s) is/are met within a reasonable timeframe. The time spend is at the expense of the Client. If a Client is unwilling or not capable to meet the requirement(s), the Booking is immediately terminated without right to refund.


Article 7. Booking requirements

7.1 A Booking requires a 2 hour minimum or longer, conform the information in the profile of Escort and other information on the Website. The minimum booking for most European destinations is 12 to 16 hours and for other world cities 24 to 48 hours.

7.2 An Assignment can be provided daily during Opening hours. The Client will notify Ina Divina (also) via telephone of any Assignment starting within 6 hour hours.

7.3 A booking can not start between 1.00 and 9.00 in the morning/night (Amsterdam time zone). Bookings starting outside the Opening hours require a 3 hour minimum.

7.4 Bookings can only take place in hygienic dwellings, in a constructed immovable property or as the case may be a hotel/accommodation with a classification of at least four stars. This should at least consist of a bedroom for two persons of 16m2 or larger with a private bathroom. Bookings are never possible in unhygienic locations, unsafe areas, cars, rendezvous hotels, cubic hotels, sex clubs, student housing or sex cinemas.

7.5 During a Booking, no other people can be present unless in a public environment.

7.6 If a Client fails to meet any requirement as stated in Article 7, he is offered a one time opportunity to make sure the requirement(s) is/are met within a reasonable timeframe. The time spend is at the expense of the Client. If a Client is unwilling or not capable to meet the requirement(s), the Booking is immediately terminated without right to refund.


Article 8. International Booking requirements

8.1 An International Bookings can not take place in countries where a negative travel advice applies, with a predominant religion or major inequality between men and women. Ina Divina can always decline an Assignment for an International booking, without providing a reason.

8.2 Most European cities require a minimum booking of 12 to 16 hours. Most other world cities require a minimum booking of 24 to 48 hours.

8.3 The minimum notice for an Assignment for an International Booking is 24 hours for an existing Client and 5 days for a new Client.

8.4 Any additional expenses during and for the purpose of reaching the destination of the International Booking, such as expenses for flight, taxi, train, meals, internet access, visa, hotel and more are at the Client’s expense. All additional expenses are subject to 21 % VAT.

8.5 An International Booking requires prepayment via banktransfer of at least 50% of the bookingrate and 100% of all additional (travel)expenses and Additional Services. The payment due during the Booking may not exceed Euro 5000.

8.6 International Bookings require the following travelmethods:

  • When the traveltime is part of the bookingduration, Client can select the travelmethod of his choice, provided it is a safe travelmethod and reasonably comfortable.
  • When the traveltime is not part of the bookingduration, Escort will travel by train and/or private driver/taxi in first class and with maximum comfort when the location of the International Booking can be reached within 5 hours. In all other cases, Escort will travel by plane and private driver/taxi. Flights up to 6 hours are in economy class. Direct flights of 6 to 9 hours are in economy plus/comfort if available. Direct flights of 9 hours or longer are always in business class. Indirect flights longer than 6 hours are always done in business class.

8.7 The procedure for booking travel itinerary for an International Booking is as following, unless otherwise agreed:

  • Ina Divina will provide Client with an estimate the bookingrate and all additional expenses, the required minimum prepayment via bank and a proposal for travel itinerary to be booked. If, within reason, Ina Divina foresees any problems with obtaining the required documents for Escort, Ina Divina will inform Client for consideration.
  • After receiving the prepayment of Client, Ina Divina will send Client an overview of the travel itinerary that will be booked and a price update if applicable.
  • Ina Divina will book the travel itinerary after an approval is received from Client. Unless otherwise requested, the cheapest options are booked, regardless of the conditions attached.
  • Any required documents, such as visa and visa waiver, are applied for as soon as possible, but no later than 48 hours after booking the travel itinerary.
  • Ina Divina will send a confirmation to Client when all travel itinerary is booked and the required documents are obtained.

8.8 If the total traveltime is 12 hours or longer, the Escort will spend the first night in a private bedroom. This time is part of the bookingduration.

8.9 If the Escort experiences a delay during her travel to the location of the International Booking, and this delay is not by fault of the Escort, the delay will be part of the bookingduration.

8.10 Any costs for changing and/or cancelling the travel itinerary or other Additional Services are at the Clients’ expense, unless there is intent or wilful recklessness on the part of Ina Divina and/or Escort.

8.11 If an International Booking is cut short based on article 6.14 or 7.6, any expenses from this, such as expenses for an early return and/or alternative accommodation, are at the Clients’ expense.


Article 9. Eccentric Services and Tempting Domina Booking requirements

9.1 Some general rules apply to these Bookings. One is the use of a safe word; this is mandatory. ‘Red’ is the safest option. When a (ball) gag is used, the safe word is to make a short ‘m’ sound three times in a row. Both Client and Divina can use the safe word at any time during the Booking (regardless of who has which role). With using the safe word, the scene/current action will be immediately paused or stopped.

9.2 Some specific rules to a Booking like this apply with the Divina as the submissive:

  • Client is obliged to send Ina Divina a photo of his face, while showing his ID of passport and a current newspaper/letter. Due to the vulnerable position of the Divina in such a Booking as the submissive one, this extra measure is necessary to ensure her safety is guaranteed.
  • With impact play, the skin of the Divina may turn red or leave stripes, but never in such a way that welts or bruises remain visible. Using a blindfold is only allowed if the Divina can easily remove the blindfold herself.
  • Bondage, with or without rope, may only be applied in a loose manner and nothing may (not even lightly) be too tight or pinch the skin.

9.3 Ina Divina is not liable for possible risks that Client could face when Client has the submissive role. Further explanation to this:

  • Prior to the Booking, the Client has indicated his hard limits to Ina Divina. These limits will never be exceeded, unless the Client states that he wishes to do so, during the Booking. The Client has to call Ina Divina during the Booking to personally tell this. Ina Divina makes an extra note/recording of this. Ina Divina is only liable if these hard limits have been exceeded, without this having been confirmed first by the Client himself.
  • The possible risk that the Client has of undesired actions, injuries or consequences that the Client would not have wanted (during of afterwards) lies entirely with the Client (unless it concerns his hard limits specified in advance).
  • Same goes for more extreme BDSM, all risk are for the Client himself and Ina Divina is not liable for (unwanted) injuries. Think of extreme impact play, needle play, rope bondage / shibari. All actions you want the Divina to do, and the actions you do not want her to do, are indicated by yourself in advance. Everything that happens during the Booking is therefore on a vulantary basis and all risk that can come with more extreme BDSM are entirely based on the Client, as the Client himself has asked for this and consciously allows it during the Booking.
  • Ina Divina is only liable for possible risks when the Divina ignores a used safe word.

9.4 With the Experience ‘Chastity – Locked by InaDivina’, Ina Divina is not liable for the risks associated with the use of a chastity device, regardless of whether it is a physical meeting or the service from a distance, regardless of which model, type or brand the cage is. In addition, the Client is also in possession of an emergency key that he can use at any time, in case this would be necessary.


Article 10. Cancellation/change by the Client

10.1 In the event of a change or cancellation of the Booking by the Client, the Client will inform Ina Divina as soon as possible via telephone or email. Changes or cancellation less than 6 hours prior to the Booking must (also) be made by telephone.

10.2 The notifications mentioned in this article are relating to the amount of hours during the Opening hours, in case the notification is 6 hours or less.

10.3 A cancellation/change is only valid after the receipt of this has been confirmed by Ina Divina by email or telephone.

10.4 If a Client cancels a Booking including Additional Services, all costs involved are the the Client’s expense and are subject to 21 % VAT. This amount is added to any other cancellation fees as determined below.

10.5 If a Client wishes to cancel a Booking with a booking duration less than 24 hours in The Netherlands then the following applies:

  • The Client is permitted to cancel the Booking free of charge until 48 hours prior to the Booking.
  • The Client is permitted to cancel the Booking free of charge 5 to 48 hours prior to the Booking on two occasions within one year. After that, a cancellation fee of Euro 250 applies.
  • With cancellations made less than 5 hours prior to the Booking, the Client is charged the rate for the minimumbooking of the Escort at the booking location.

10.6 If a Client wishes to cancel a Booking with a booking duration of 24 hours or longer in The Netherlands then the following applies:

  • The Client is permitted to cancel the Booking free of charge until 7 days prior to the Booking.
  • The Client is permitted to cancel the Booking free of charge 3 days prior to the Booking on one occasions within one year. After that, a cancellation fee of Euro 250 applies per (part of) 24 hours of the booking duration, with a minimum of Euro 500.
  • With cancellations made less than 3 days prior to the Booking, a cancellation fee of Euro 500 applies per (part of) 24 hours of the booking duration, with a minimum of Euro 1000.

10.7 If a Client wishes to cancel an International Booking then the following applies:

  • The Client is permitted to cancel the International Booking free of charge until 7 days prior to the departure to the Booking.
  • With cancellations made 3 to 7 days prior to the the departure to the Booking, the Client is charged half of the rate for the Booking.
  • With cancellations made less than 3 days prior to the the departure to the Booking, the Client is charged the full rate for the Booking.

10.8 In case the arrival of the Client is delayed, the waiting time will not be part of the bookingduration if the Client notifies Ina Divina before the Escort departs to the Booking. If the Escort is already departed to the Booking, but the original starting time of the Booking has not yet been reached, the first 15 minutes of waiting time will not be part of the booking duration. If the original starting time of the Booking has already passed, all waiting time is part of the booking duration.

10.9 In case the arrival of the Escort is delayed by 30 minutes or less, the Client has no right to cancel the booking. If the arrival of the Escort is delayed with more than 30 minutes, the Client can cancel the booking free of charge if:

  • The location of the Booking is in The Netherlands.
  • The Bookingconfirmation did not take place less than 5 hours ago.
  • The Client has not agreed to a new start time for the Booking.

10.10 In the event of a delayed arrival time of the Escort, the minimumbooking duration does not change. Client has no right to a lower minimumbooking duration due to the delay.

10.11 The Client can cancel the booking free of charge within 10 minutes after the commencement of the Booking if:

  • In the opinion of the Client, in reality the Escort is not as presented on the Website, in terms of appearance or personality.
  • There is no sudden unavailability and/or schedule change of the Client, which would make continuation of the Booking impossible.
  • The location of the Booking is within The Netherlands.
  • The Escort has not been touched, undressed or attempted to do so.
  • Client meets all Client requirements as mentioned in Article 6.
  • The Booking meets all Booking requirements as mentioned in Article 7.

If no cancellation is indicated by Client to Ina Divina and/or Escort within 10 minutes after the commencement of the Booking, the Booking is valid and finalized.


Article 11. Cancellation/change by Ina Divina

11.1 In the event of a change or cancellation of the Booking by Ina Divina, the Client will be contacted as soon as possible.

11.2 Ina Divina is always permitted to cancel and/or change a Booking if:

  • In the opinion of Ina Divina the identity, integrity and/or safety of the Escort can not be guaranteed during the Booking or when traveling to the Booking.
  • Escort indicates she is not physically or mentally able to execute the Booking, or the execution of the Booking is against the will, desire or comfort of the Escort. Escort is not required to stay with, accompany or converse with any Client she does not wish to stay, accompany or converse with, nor is she required to provide any particular services.
  • The location of the Booking is not available.
  • The Client does not fulfil the agreed terms and conditions of the Booking (within the period(s) set out for this purpose), or if there are good reasons that give cause to expect that the Client will not fulfil the agreed terms and conditions.
  • Circumstances occur as a result of which it cannot be reasonably expected form Ina Divina that it will fulfil its obligations of the Booking.

11.3 If the Booking can only take place under changed circumstances, the Client is permitted to cancel the Booking free of charge. Costs for Additional Service are at the Client’s expense. Ina Divina and Escorts are not liable for any direct or indirect damage suffered, or expenses incurred by the Client in the event of such a cancellation. This includes costs resulting from changing and/or cancelling the travel documents of the Escort.


Article 12. Fakers

12.1 A Client who provides Ina Divina with false information about himself, contact details and/or the location of the Booking is a faker.

12.2 A Client who repeatedly act contrary to Articles 6 and/or 7 is a faker.

12.3 A Client who repeatedly places Assignments, without these resulting in a Booking is a faker.

12.4 A Client with outstanding payments towards Ina Divina, for example due to the cancellation of a Booking or the lack of a cancellation after Client has been sent a Bookingconfirmation, but does not fulfil these (timely), is a faker.

12.5 A Client who has been warned by Escort and/or Ina Divina not to request personal contact details of Escort and/or offers his own contact details to Escort is a faker.

12.6 A Client who undertakes (any attempt to) deception, fraud, intimidation and/or any other unlawful act towards Ina Divina and/or Escort is a faker.


Article 13. Confidentiality and electronic security

13.1 All information of the Client which is available to Ina Divina on the basis of its provision of service will be treated confidentially and will only be used for the execution of the service as agreed in a Booking, as well as for optimising the service related to any future Bookings. For more information about your how we treat your privacy please refer to our Privacy Statement.

13.2 Ina Divina will (within reason) commit to protect the personal details of Client, and will use third party expertise to do so. Unless in the event of intent or wilful recklessness by Ina Divina, Ina Divina cannot be held liable or responsible for the disclosure of these data.

13.3 This Website will use a secure (SSL) connection to send forms.

13.4 To provide an optimal service, we use cookies on this Website. Cookies are small text files that a web page may store on a PC, tablet or mobile phone. This cookie can be retrieved during a later visit to the same site. The cookie cannot be read by a website other than the one that created it. The cookies used by this Website are anonymous. You also have the ability to configure your browser in such a way, that it warns you when cookies are created or your browser is being hindered.

13.5 This website may contain links to other websites. Ina Divina is not responsible for the availability of, or any content or material contained on, or obtained through, any such websites. Any link to another website, and reference to third-party information, products or services linked to this website, is not, and should not be construed as, an express or implied endorsement by Ina Divina. Any questions or comments relating to such other websites should be addressed to the operator or operators of those websites.


Article 14. Liability and Force Majeure

14.1 Ina Divina cannot be held liable for direct or indirect damage caused by the use of this Website or through the by this Website provided information.

14.2 Unless in the case of intent or major neglect, Ina Divina and its Escorts are not liable for any damage resulting from the execution of Bookings, or related to Bookings, regardless whether the claim is based on another agreement or legal foundation.

14.3 Defects of whatsoever nature, disappointed expectations on the part of the Client, information on the Website or derogations from the information provided on the Website will give no right whatsoever to compensation (of damage) and/or setoff. Ina Divina does not provide any guarantee towards the Client concerning the Client’s experience during the Booking, partly due to the very personal nature of the service.

14.4 If Ina Divina cannot, or cannot completely fulfil its obligations as a result of a cause or incident that cannot be attributed to Ina Divina, or due to any other circumstance that is beyond Ina Divina’s control, these obligations will be suspended until the time when Ina Divina is capable again of fulfilling its obligations on the basis of an Assignment or Booking. If Ina Divina is unable to fulfil its obligations towards Client within a reasonable period, both Ina Divina and the Client will have the right to cancel the Booking, without Ina Divina being obligated to compensate any damage on the part of the Client as a result of this cancellation. If Ina Divina has already partially fulfilled its obligations or can only partially fulfil its obligations, Ina Divina will be entitled to separately charge the Client for the part of the Booking that has already been executed, and the Client will be obligated to pay this amount.


Article 15. Copyright, Trademark and other Intellectual Property Protection

15.1 The name Ina Divina, the term Divina, Divinas and Divina’s, all names of the ‘experiences’, all logos, the images, videos and all other Ina Divina-related marks depicted on this Website, whether registered or unregistered, are trademarks or service marks of Ina Divina.

15.2 Except when otherwise indicated, all materials on this Website, including, but not limited to, photographs, logos, other images, illustrations, text, video clips, audio clips and written and other materials contained on this Website are protected by copyright, trademarks and/or other intellectual property rights owned, or used with permission of their owners, by Ina Divina or its subsidiaries or affiliates.

15.3 This Website as a whole is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. All rights are reserved.

15.4 The materials contained on this Website are displayed for informational and promotional purposes only. This Website is solely for the private, personal, non-commercial use by its users. You may not download or copy any materials on this Website. No right, title or interest in any material or software is transferred to you as a result of any such downloading or copying. You may not reproduce (except as expressly set forth above), publish, transmit, distribute, display, remove, delete, add to, otherwise modify, create derivative works from, sell or participate in any sale of, this Website, any of the materials on this Website, or any related software. Any other use of materials on this Website, including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, modification, distribution or republication, without the prior express written permission of Ina Divina, is strictly prohibited.


Article 16. Applicable Law and choice of forum

Dutch law exclusively applies to all Assignments, Bookings and these Terms and Conditions. All disputes arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions, Assignments and Bookings that may arise, including disputes about the applicability and validity thereof, shall be settled by the competent court in Rotterdam.


Privacy Statement


Version 3 – September 2024


Welcome to high class escortservice Ina Divina. To offer our clients a delightful experience, while making sure we keep our Escorts safe, we gather and use personal information. And for the safety of the client, confidentiality and discretion are priorities at Ina Divina.


Ina Divina is the controller of personal information. That is to say, the entity that determines the purpose and means of processing on the basis of a specific legal authority.


This privacy statement explains how Ina Divina processes personal information that is collected. It describes which personal data are processed, why we do so, which legal bases apply and what your privacy rights are with regard to the data we process.


1. Application privacy statement

Ina Divinas privacy statement applies if an information request or booking request is made by e-mail/website form/telephone and if a booking has taken place.


2. Why we collect and use personal information

Ina Divina collects and processes personal data for the following reasons:

  • To safeguard the safety and welfare of the escorts.
  • To make a successful match between you and one or more escorts.
  • To make a booking and to optimize future bookings.
  • To comply with a legal duty or obligation.
  • To prevent fakers from causing further damage.


Personal data are not processed for other purposes.


Unless otherwise agreed we will not initiate contact with you unless there is an urgent reason for this. This means that we only contact you by phone in the event of a missed call during our opening hours which we can return within 30 minutes and for urgent matters on the day of your booking. We will contact you by mail in the event of a change of your booking and to optimize future bookings. For the latter purpose it is possible that we ask you for feedback via mail within two weeks of your booking.


3. What information do we collect

Information is provided by yourself. Information about you as a person is also provided by the escort(s) and obtained by Ina Divina from public sources.


The personal data you provide to Ina Divina must be correct. If information that is requested beforehand is not, not fully or incorrectly supplied by you, Ina Divina can not provide you with a service.


If a booking request results in a booking, we collect the following information: name, contact details, age, occupation, your preferences and information about you as a person. If a booking request results in a booking, but this booking is canceled again by the client, the data will be processed in the same way as if the booking had taken place, with the exception of the information provided by the escort(s).


In cases where an information request or booking request does not result in a booking, only the (email) correspondence will be saved, unless in the case of a faker as described in article 12 of our Terms and Conditions In the case of a faker, all information will be collected and processed.


4. The storage of information

Ina Divina will keep your personal information as long as we need it for the purposes set out in section 2 of this privacy statement and in accordance with retention periods required by applicable law. This period is 7 years, however your details are anonymized after 3 years. In addition, we may retain data during the limitation periods or to protect Ina Divina against a legal claim. Also in the case of fakers, we can keep the data longer to protect Ina Divina from further damage.


If we no longer need to keep your personal information, we will delete it.


5. Basis

Ina Divina only processes personal data if there is a legal basis for this.


The legal basis depends on which of the above purposes for which we have collected and used your personal information.


The legal basis is one of the following:

  • The legitimate business interests of Ina Divina: where it is necessary for Ina Divina to understand its clients and their wishes and to operate effectively.
  • Compliance with laws: where Ina Divina must process personal data in order to comply with a legal duty or obligation.
  • Vital interests: to ensure the safety and well-being of escorts and to ensure that escorts do not go beyond their own limits, so that physical integrity is guaranteed.


6. How Ina Divina protects personal information

Ina Divina applies a very high standard regarding the protection of personal data. We will endeavor to protect personal data in every possible way that can reasonably be expected from us.


To provide an optimal service, we use cookies on this website. Cookies are small text files that a web page may store on a PC, tablet or mobile phone. This cookie can be retrieved during a later visit to the same site. The cookie cannot be read by a website other than the one that created it. The cookies used by this website are anonymous.


You also have the ability to configure your browser in such a way, that it warns you when cookies are created or your browser is being hindered.


Unfortunately, no data transfer or internet storage can be guaranteed 100% secure. If you have reason to believe that there is an unsafe situation, you must notify us immediately by contacting us at the e-mail address below.


7. Share personal data

Personal information is not shared within the organization, unless this is strictly necessary for persons who need to know this information, such as for the execution of and / or making a booking possible.


Ina Divina may share your personal data with third parties in the following cases:

  • To legal advisors for obtaining legal advice;
  • To the government to protect our rights, property, your safety and the safety of the escorts;
  • To debt collection agencies in case of default;
  • In the case of fakers;
  • To comply with a legal duty or obligation.


8. Privacy rights

You have the right to access your personal data. If you can prove that the personal information we hold about you is incorrect, you can ask us to correct this information. If it is not necessary for us to store or process personal data, you can ask us to completely or partially erase your data, except in the case of a faker.


9. Changes to this privacy statement

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will still have to crystallize and we will revise this privacy statement from time to time. It is likely that this will entail changes in the privacy policy.


Due to discretion, Ina Divina does not have a mailing list to inform clients of changes in the privacy statement. The most recent version of the privacy statement can be found on the website.


10. Contact us

For questions or comments about the privacy statement, please contact Ina Divina via the e-mail address: info@inadivina.com.


We hope that we can help you satisfactorily. If you are still not satisfied, you can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority.